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Second Admendment - Gun Rights

Sheriff Wade stands in firm support of decent hardworking citizens rights to own and carry firearms.  Sheriff Wade has worked to ensure that firearms permits are issued in a timely fashion to those who are permitted under the law.

Sheriff Wade has met with citizens and various groups across the county to ensure that each citizen knows he will stand for the constitution of the State of Alabama.

Mental Illness

As a certified jail administrator and having attended many trainings on the issue Sheriff Wade understands the issues surrounding the arrest and incarceration of the mentally ill.


As an illustration of his commitment Sheriff Wade employees the first county mental health officer in the state, Jon Garlick, as his chief deputy. 

School Safety

Keeping the citizens of Calhoun County safe is the top priority for Sheriff Wade.  Working with the school board Sheriff Wade continues to keep a dedicated staff of School Resource Officers (SROs). The SROs are specifically trained to not only work in a school environment but also with the unique situations that occur.  

Additionally, Sheriff Wade has equipped two of the SROs with K9s to help prevent the introduction of drugs and contraband into the school atmosphere. Staying vigilant to protect our children and families.

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